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[WAR] Gewinnspiel

Begonnen von Irthak, 28. September 2006, 18:24:59

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩


Auf dem Warherald findet man den Aufruf zur einem kleinen Gewinnspiel:

Screenshot Caption Comedy!

Come up with the funniest caption you can for any (or all) of the screenshots below. It can be either just a funny description of the screenshot itself, or something one of the characters in the screenshot is saying. You can either photoshop the caption into the image, or just email me your caption, just be sure to include which screenshot it is referring to.


   * Please email your captions to: Richard AT
   * Please use the Subject: WAR Screenshot Caption Contest.
   * You can only win once, even if you submit a caption for more than one screenshot.
   * Contest will end at 5:00 PM EDT on Wednesday, October 4, 2006.
   * Me and Sanya will choose the 10 best entries and the winners will each receive a WAR poster.
   * Winners will be announced on Monday, October 9, 2006.

Es wird eine Lustige Bildunterschrift gesucht oder etwas lustiges, was die Figuren auf den Bildern sagen.
Als Gewinn gibt es ein WAR-Poster.

Hier der Link zur Quelle + den Bildern

Hier entsteht bald eine neue Signatur.