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52. Spamtisch - Der Spam ist tot, es lebe der Spam!

Begonnen von Parsifal, 14. November 2006, 17:36:03

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩


Euer lieber Barados... KRANK für PVP!
"'Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.' - 'Homer Simpson, smiling politely. You know, my kids think you're the greatest. And thanks to your gloomy music they dream of a future I can possibly provide.'"


Hast Du's gut ... ich muss diese Woche noch drei Tage arbeiten  :(
WoW - Blackhand (inaktiv)
Lythina - Lvl 70 - Nachtelf Druide (Kürschnerei, Lederverarbeitung)   
Mori - Lvl 61 - Mensch Hexenmeister (Kürschnerei, Schneiderei)       


Zitat von: "Prinoda"Ich hab morgen frei!  8)

Fauler Sack..... :roll:
Was bist du von Beruf ?
Tischler. !
Bautischler ?
Nein, Stammtischler!


Zitat von: Yoker
Zitat von: "Prinoda"Ich hab morgen frei!  8)

Fauler Sack


Was bist du von Beruf ?
Tischler. !
Bautischler ?
Nein, Stammtischler!


Zitat von: "Cazthor"Mümümü...  :cry:

Ok, wäre dann bitte mal ein Admin so nett, Spam zu löschen? Danke euch im Namen der G.A.S.P. (Gruppierung Außerordentlich Spamabgeneigter Poster)
Hab ich ausnahmsweise auch als Admin a.D. getan, Caz ;)

It was not called the Old Forest without reason, for it was indeed ancient, a survivor of vast forgotten woods; and in there lived yet, ageing no quicker than the hills, the fathers of the fathers of trees, remembering times when they were lords. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien


Euer lieber Barados... KRANK für PVP!
"'Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.' - 'Homer Simpson, smiling politely. You know, my kids think you're the greatest. And thanks to your gloomy music they dream of a future I can possibly provide.'"


Es wär übrigens immer noch Spam und nicht Spamm.


Stimmt Ina, das kann man so nicht stehen lassen. :D

It was not called the Old Forest without reason, for it was indeed ancient, a survivor of vast forgotten woods; and in there lived yet, ageing no quicker than the hills, the fathers of the fathers of trees, remembering times when they were lords. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien


»'Death happens' as we like to say. And when I get paid for it, death happens more often.«



Euer lieber Barados... KRANK für PVP!
"'Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.' - 'Homer Simpson, smiling politely. You know, my kids think you're the greatest. And thanks to your gloomy music they dream of a future I can possibly provide.'"


hab nur probiert ob da platz für ein post ist  :D
»'Death happens' as we like to say. And when I get paid for it, death happens more often.«


Euer lieber Barados... KRANK für PVP!
"'Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.' - 'Homer Simpson, smiling politely. You know, my kids think you're the greatest. And thanks to your gloomy music they dream of a future I can possibly provide.'"


Ich dachte die Gelegenheit wär günstig ...  :roll:
»'Death happens' as we like to say. And when I get paid for it, death happens more often.«


Hier entsteht bald eine neue Signatur.


Euer lieber Barados... KRANK für PVP!
"'Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.' - 'Homer Simpson, smiling politely. You know, my kids think you're the greatest. And thanks to your gloomy music they dream of a future I can possibly provide.'"


Nu seidser mich los, ich geh schlafen ...

olle Patchdays  :D
»'Death happens' as we like to say. And when I get paid for it, death happens more often.«



Xantica - Witch Hunter

Xantica - Rogue (Blümchenpflückerin/Elementarlederer)


  «carinschen - You see this name, you think dirty.»