
Forum upgraded auf Version 2.1.2 :)


Schöne Grüße......

Begonnen von Elwyn, 13. August 2010, 13:35:31

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

Elwyn Euch alle!

Na wie gehts Euch denn so?

alles klar bei Euch?

Vl können sich ja noch manche erinnern,
wollt einfach mal vorbei schauen wie es Euch so geht und
mal liebe Grüße dalassen =)

In diesem Sinne =) *hug* & *hf* @ H-R

More than a decade past
More than a decade of the most powerful music force known to men
Since the beginning of the hardcore era we encounted several evil forces
Trying to destroy what we call our life
After the great war the world thought hardcore died and vanished forever
But there's an old legend that tells us it's impossible to destroy the core
And trying to do so will unleash a beast more powerful than the world has ever seen
The beast will form a hardcore army and will call itself its master
This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for
The master of hardcore will show the world the true hardcore sound
We will not vanish, we will not die


moin, jo den Baum kenn ich noch :)
schoene grüße zurück!


Zitat von: bredy am 13. August 2010, 16:14:18
moin, jo den Baum kenn ich noch :)
schoene grüße zurück!

hehe =)

danke Dir ;)
More than a decade past
More than a decade of the most powerful music force known to men
Since the beginning of the hardcore era we encounted several evil forces
Trying to destroy what we call our life
After the great war the world thought hardcore died and vanished forever
But there's an old legend that tells us it's impossible to destroy the core
And trying to do so will unleash a beast more powerful than the world has ever seen
The beast will form a hardcore army and will call itself its master
This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for
The master of hardcore will show the world the true hardcore sound
We will not vanish, we will not die


Is mir sowas von egal wer dein Vadder is. Solange ich hier angel läuft keiner übers Wasser!!


More than a decade past
More than a decade of the most powerful music force known to men
Since the beginning of the hardcore era we encounted several evil forces
Trying to destroy what we call our life
After the great war the world thought hardcore died and vanished forever
But there's an old legend that tells us it's impossible to destroy the core
And trying to do so will unleash a beast more powerful than the world has ever seen
The beast will form a hardcore army and will call itself its master
This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for
The master of hardcore will show the world the true hardcore sound
We will not vanish, we will not die


das schnuffige bäumchen kenn ich auch noch  ;)
Blut wird die Schmerzen überdauern,
Die in den Nervenbahnen lauern;
Treibt immer oben auf umher.
Blut fließt hinein ins Tränenmeer.

Was wird der nächste Tag mir bringen?
Wird nie der Schmerz ein Liedchen singen?
Wird dies so sein, dann werd' ich weinen,
Den nächsten toten Leib entbeinen.

Ich werde unter Tränen schlachten,
Dir nach deinem Leben trachten.
Ich werd' dich jagen und dich finden.
Lass deine Lebenskraft entschwinden.

Doch irgendwann in ein paar Wochen
Kommt keine Träne mehr gekrochen.
Die Augen glänzen, bleiben trocken,
Der Tränenfluss gerät ins stocken.

Was mich getrieben stirbt nun ab,
Was davon zeugt: ein Massengrab.
Doch ehe all das Blut geronnen
Wird bald der Nächste nach mir kommen.


Zitat von: Mayu am 24. September 2010, 01:43:35
das schnuffige bäumchen kenn ich auch noch  ;)

ui, freut mich zu hören =)

na wie gehts?

More than a decade past
More than a decade of the most powerful music force known to men
Since the beginning of the hardcore era we encounted several evil forces
Trying to destroy what we call our life
After the great war the world thought hardcore died and vanished forever
But there's an old legend that tells us it's impossible to destroy the core
And trying to do so will unleash a beast more powerful than the world has ever seen
The beast will form a hardcore army and will call itself its master
This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for
The master of hardcore will show the world the true hardcore sound
We will not vanish, we will not die