
Forum upgraded auf Version 2.1.2 :)


Spammaram - Des Rates Spamtisch XLII

Begonnen von Gezemané, 07. September 2006, 17:40:15

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩


Zitat von: "4d"so ich verabschiede mich innen Urlaub, auf das hier fleißig gespammt wird !  8)

komm heile zurück, du kleines pornodil!


Wünsch dir viel Spaß, Pi-Pa-Peter! /lick /gruschel

Zur Abwechslung mal wieder was lustiges:
Euer lieber Barados... KRANK für PVP!
"'Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.' - 'Homer Simpson, smiling politely. You know, my kids think you're the greatest. And thanks to your gloomy music they dream of a future I can possibly provide.'"


Zitat von: "Prinoda"Wünsch dir viel Spaß, Pi-Pa-Peter! /lick /gruschel

Zur Abwechslung mal wieder was lustiges:

na, hasi?  :shock:  :shock:

guten morgen allerseits!


Mahlzeit zusammen!

Lecker Salat und Käsesandwich - BÄM!

Ich will auch mal König sein!



Mahlzeit !" boah ich hasse Schule :( hab morgen Prüfung *argh*
More than a decade past
More than a decade of the most powerful music force known to men
Since the beginning of the hardcore era we encounted several evil forces
Trying to destroy what we call our life
After the great war the world thought hardcore died and vanished forever
But there's an old legend that tells us it's impossible to destroy the core
And trying to do so will unleash a beast more powerful than the world has ever seen
The beast will form a hardcore army and will call itself its master
This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for
The master of hardcore will show the world the true hardcore sound
We will not vanish, we will not die



Xantica - Witch Hunter

Xantica - Rogue (Blümchenpflückerin/Elementarlederer)


huhu euch kacknoobs
huhu auch meiner kleinen gimp-schurkin :D


**The poster of this message takes no responsibility for any deaths, sicknesses, annoyances, pains or pregnancies as a result of this post.**


Hail to the inventor of Salamipizza!
UFT-[SMG]Wiski, the Wizard =`-´=
"Laufe nie weg vor etwas Unsterblichem, das erregt seine Aufmerksamkeit."


texas von smileys > jede andere pizza



jamjam *hm.... pizzaaaa*

mal essen gehen, wen soll ich denn was mitbringen `?
More than a decade past
More than a decade of the most powerful music force known to men
Since the beginning of the hardcore era we encounted several evil forces
Trying to destroy what we call our life
After the great war the world thought hardcore died and vanished forever
But there's an old legend that tells us it's impossible to destroy the core
And trying to do so will unleash a beast more powerful than the world has ever seen
The beast will form a hardcore army and will call itself its master
This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for
The master of hardcore will show the world the true hardcore sound
We will not vanish, we will not die


Zitat von: "Elwyn"jamjam *hm.... pizzaaaa*

mal essen gehen, wen soll ich denn was mitbringen `?

mir pls ^^
**The poster of this message takes no responsibility for any deaths, sicknesses, annoyances, pains or pregnancies as a result of this post.**


Ich geh jetzt schlafen aba vorher ess ich noch ein stückchen pizza... toll.. danke... ALLES WEGEN EUCH  :roll:

Xantica - Witch Hunter

Xantica - Rogue (Blümchenpflückerin/Elementarlederer)


Zitat von: "Xaria"Ich geh jetzt schlafen aba vorher ess ich noch ein stückchen pizza... toll.. danke... ALLES WEGEN EUCH  :roll: macht dick ^^
**The poster of this message takes no responsibility for any deaths, sicknesses, annoyances, pains or pregnancies as a result of this post.**


Zitat von: "Doomhammer"
Zitat von: "Elwyn"jamjam *hm.... pizzaaaa*

mal essen gehen, wen soll ich denn was mitbringen `?

mir pls ^^

hier bitte sehr :) pizza is zwar weg aber nen burger kann ich dir anbieten =)

More than a decade past
More than a decade of the most powerful music force known to men
Since the beginning of the hardcore era we encounted several evil forces
Trying to destroy what we call our life
After the great war the world thought hardcore died and vanished forever
But there's an old legend that tells us it's impossible to destroy the core
And trying to do so will unleash a beast more powerful than the world has ever seen
The beast will form a hardcore army and will call itself its master
This is the moment all hardcore soldiers have been waiting for
The master of hardcore will show the world the true hardcore sound
We will not vanish, we will not die


Zitat von: "Elwyn"
Zitat von: "Doomhammer"
Zitat von: "Elwyn"jamjam *hm.... pizzaaaa*

mal essen gehen, wen soll ich denn was mitbringen `?

mir pls ^^

hier bitte sehr :) pizza is zwar weg aber nen burger kann ich dir anbieten =)

na...hab gestern aufd nacht no vui beim mci reingressen :P
**The poster of this message takes no responsibility for any deaths, sicknesses, annoyances, pains or pregnancies as a result of this post.**


Zitat von: "Doomhammer"
na...hab gestern aufd nacht no vui beim mci reingressen :P


Ja ne is klar...  :roll:
Ich will auch mal König sein!


Langweilig....  :(

Müde  :(

Kopfschmerzen  :(

Hunger  :(

Arbeiten ist so lästig  :oops:
My throat is too sore for more screaming Bury the Pain As Blood Du schreibst Geschichte
My eyes to swollen for more weeping As I bury this Knife in my Body Runs Down mit jedem Schritt
My wounds are too dry for more bleeding Slowly Slippin Away my Arms mit jedem Wort
My blood to drained for more streaming To another Dimension of Virtue I setzt du sie fort
My crop is ready for the Reaping Bury the Pain feel Du schreibst Geschichte
My body ready for deceasing As I bury this Knife in my Body Peace an jedem Tag
My life is ready for completing Slowly Slippin away in denn jetzte und hier
My being ready for releasing To another Dimension of Virtue my Heart bist du ein Teil von ihr