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EQ2 Desert of Flames Beta

Begonnen von Coward, 27. August 2005, 02:26:51

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Tjoo, hab einfach mal alles aus den Patchnotes rauskopiert. Kann man schon nen bißchen rauslesen was sich so an den Charakteren und im Spiel verändern wird:

Beta Update Notes : August 26, 2005 8/26/2005 12:30 PM
*** Desert of Flames ***

Arena Champions:
- Idols can no longer be healed or buffed.
- Invisibility effects are now suspended while carrying a flag.

Player Housing:
- Those with very high standing with one of the Maj'Dul courts can now
purchase housing in the city. There are 7 possible locations and 3 sizes
of homes available. Choose your new neighborhood carefully!
- Note: If you own housing in Qeynos or Freeport, you must relinquish it
before moving to Maj'Dul.

- There are now flying carpets in East Freeport and Qeynos Harbor that
take you to a boat to the Sinking Sands.

- Destroying walls in the Silent City or the Living Tombs will now
update the journals of all group members currently on that stage of the

Zones and Population:
- The access quest for the Fountain of Life epic zone is now available.
- Roaming creatures in the Living Tombs, the Silent City, and some parts
of the Sinking Sands will now assist each other if attacked.
- Cave fungi should no longer appear in grassy areas.
- Epic encounters in Maj'Dul now offer a greater degree of challenge.

- The recipe for a small stool now correctly calls for Sandcloth
- Crystalline Sandpaper, Masala Incense, Anthracite Coal, and Strand
Filament now have correct descriptions.
- Cerulean Ink can now be made with the correct components.
- Sandcloth and Cambic cloth should now both require the correct
secondary components. Any reference to Rough Sandcloth has been replaced
with Sandcloth.
- Maj'Dul Market Basket now requires Planed Sandalwood as the primary
- Square Quilted Rugs must now be made on the sewing table, and the fuel
type for the recipes is now filament instead of sandpaper.
- Indium Executioner's Axe and Stonehide Cestii can now be made at
pristine quality.
- Indium Assault Axe should have the correct icon and can be used
- Indium weapons no longer say Fulginate.
- Double Nomad Tent is now made on the woodworking table.
- Rough Cambric Bowstring, Rough Cambric Fletching, Sandalwood Buckler,
Sandalwood Drum, Sandalwood Flute, Sandalwood Lute, Sandalwood Round
Shield, Indium Brodkin Arrow, Indium Rounded Arrow, Sandalwood Kite
Shield, and Sandalwood Tower Shield from Woodworker Essentials Vol. 50
should now be working properly.
- Relentless Change Adept III can now be made properly.
- Spells made by Sages should now call for Sandalwood Quills.
- Adept III spells should now call for and use the correct ink.
- Recipes using Unodecanoid and Duodecanoid Reagents should be working
- Poison recipes in Advanced Apothecary Volume 5 should now be working
- The Danshi Paper recipe now accepts the proper components.
- The recipes for Generic Rough Cambric Pattern, Rough Cambric
Bowstring, Sandcloth Cloth, Rough Cambric Fletching, Rough Cambric
Padding, Sandcloth Thread, and Sandcloth Yarn should now be working

*** Audio ***

- Sentient creatures should have their voices back.

*** Controls, Commands, and User Interface ***

- A clock window has been added that displays both Norrathian and
real-world time when moused over. It can be toggled open and closed with
by typing Alt+C.
- Factions names are once again visible on the Factions tab of the
Persona window.
- UI modders: Shadowstyle color can now be set through dynamic data
system to better support use of greyscale shadow styles.

*** UI Files Updated ***


*** Combat and Spells ***

- Summoned pets should once again follow the caster when he or she
- Buffs should once again remain correctly after zoning.
- The number of levels your target will fall within a given con color
range have been adjusted.
  - Levels 1 to 19: 2 levels per color
  - Levels 20 to 29: 3 levels per color
  - Levels 30 to 39: 4 levels per color
  - Levels 40 and higher: 5 levels per color
  - Note: At levels 10 and below, there is only 1 level of green con.
- The challenge presented by an opponent should scale more smoothly from
one con color to another. The difference between an opponent that is
white con and one that is blue or yellow should no longer be as drastic.
- New spells and arts will no longer be awarded at mini-dings (10% XP
points within a level). Instead, all spells and arts for a given level
will be granted at the beginning of that level.
- Healing spells have been rebalanced. Direct heals (both single-target
and group) now have more differentiation among subclasses. Each subclass
of Priest has different advantages:
  - Inquisitor: Slightly higher efficiency than most instant heals,
best repeat spell healing amount for instant heals, fastest reuse
  - Templar: Larger heal for increased power cost, less time consumed
spent casting heals.
  - Warden: Highest efficiency of all heals, best repeat spell healing
amount (regen effects from all lines stack).
  - Fury: Fastest healer, strong initial burst healing.
  - Mystic: Same efficiency as the Inquisitor but slightly longer reuse
timers; each heal adds a minor max health increase which allows
"overflow" health for the target (health increase from all lines stack).
  - Defiler: Matches the potency of Templar heals, but sacrifices some
health to defray the overall power cost.

Bard changes:
- Bards now receive the following upgrades to Pathfinding: Selo's
Accelerando (level 13), Selo's Rhythm of Speed (level 27), and Selo's
Accelerating Chorus (level 41). Each song upgrades the run speed
granted, but the songs do not stack.

Berserker changes:
- Screaming Fury and Destructive Rage can be toggled on and off.

Bruiser changes:
- The level 50 Training choice for Ignore Agony should now scribe

Coercer changes:
- Discomfiting Gaze is now granted at level 36 instead of level 33.
- Ravaged Psyche is now granted at level 50 instead of level 45.

Guardian changes:
- Do or Die and Return to Battle can now be toggled on and off.

Necromancer changes:
- Siphon Vitae has been removed.

Paladin changes:
- Unflinching Conviction is now a more appropriate upgrade to the spell
- Unyielding Convention and Ancient Wrath are now classified as Combat
- Celestial Judgement is now classified as a Spell.

Troubador changes:
- Selo's Song of Travel has been removed.

Warden changes:
- Silver Slyph can now be upgraded properly.

Warrior changes:
- Battle Tactics can be toggled on and off. Beta Update Notes : August 25, 2005 8/25/2005 11:30 PM
*** Headlines ***

- You can now use a ` or ' in your last name!

*** Last Name Changes ***

- Your last name can now be divided into two parts using either a ` or a '. Roleplayers rejoice!
- Any letter you put after the ` or ' will be capitalized automatically.
- You can now clear your last name using the /lastname command with no arguments.

*** Desert of Flames ***

Arena Champions:
- Shimmering Sprite should no longer be able to heal from anywhere in the arena.

Zones and Population:
- Faction tokens turned into Consuls will now award more faction points.
- Torches have been added to signify the boundary of invisible zone lines in the Sinking Sands.
- Pirates in the Sinking Sands should once again be wearing armor.
- The Anaz Mal Gnolls and the Alliz Raef Ew Lizardmen no longer like each other.

- Learn more about the efreeti through "Lore and Legend: Efreeti."
- New books were added to the Sinking Sands, the Pillars of Flame, and Poet's Palace.

- Danshi Paper now asks for Sandalwood or Succulent.

- Books found in Desert of Flames will not count toward your house item limit.

*** Gameplay ***

- Characters will not be able to start a harvesting attempt if they are currently the main target of an aggressive creature. This complements yesterday's change that allows players to harvest while their group is in combat.

*** Quests ***

- Leelee Brewbubble has found the remnants of an apothecary's recipe book. Help her collect the components she now needs in Zek, the Orcish Wastes.

*** Commands, Controls, and User Interface ***

- Tooltips for food and drink now include the effects they will have on you if consumed.

*** Combat Changes ***

- The way stamina and other attributes affect max health and power has been adjusted for both PCs and NPCs. In some cases they went up slightly, some stayed the same, and some went down slightly. Player characters will not notice as much of an effect as NPCs. Most NPCs, especially those above level 30, decreased in hitpoints.
- The power costs of spells and arts have been adjusted so that higher-level spells will provide more efficient damage, taunting, and healing than lower-level spells in the same line.
- Charmed NPCs who normally patrol an area should now correctly follow their master.

Fury changes:
- The proc portion of Bloodlust should once again land on the recipient of the buff.

Mystic changes:
- The target of the Path of the Grey resurrection spell is now summoned to the Mystic.

Paladin changes:
- Crusade can now be toggled.

Templar changes:
- Salvation will once again heal and increase physical resistance of an ally when they receive a killing blow.

-The EverQuest II Team Beta Update Notes : August 24, 2005 8/24/2005 10:00 PM
*** Headlines ***

- You can now resurrect players that are outside of your group!

*** Resurrection Changes ***

- Resurrection can now be cast on a player who is not a member of your group.
- If someone outside your group attempts to resurrect you, a dialog box will appear and requires confirmation before you are resurrected.

*** Desert of Flames ***

Arena Champions:
- You can again destroy the enemy team's idol.

Zones and Population:
- Tipple's Focus and a Djinn Treasure Cache can now be accessed.

- One of the targets for the "Supply Replenishment" quest has been changed from "a parched prophet" to "a desert prophet."
- The quests "Nuisance Cleaning" and "Resource Gathering" have been added to Mahir and Thara in the Sinking Sands, respectively.
- "In Service to the Court" has been added to Taj in the Sinking Sands.

- Jewelers should now be able to make all of their jewelry pieces and symbols.
- The recipes for Ensnarl, Culling of the Weak, Jael's Dreadful Depletion, Censure, and Dove Song should now work correctly.
- Woodoworkers should now be able to make instruments, shields, and arrows from their new recipes.
- Thread, Yarn, Bowstrings, and Fletchings should now show the correct components needed to make the items.

*** Gameplay ***

- Players in groups will no longer be prevented from harvesting if their group is in combat.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Rare Legendary harvested items will now be obtained more frequently.

*** Commands, Controls, and User Interface ***

- Recipes now use the new tooltip system.
- Abilities sent via chat links will now work correctly.
- When using a skin without the new tooltip controls, the game will open a dialog box to let you know what's wrong and will no longer crash the client.
- Mitigation in the Persona window now shows a value instead of a percent.
- Books can now contain more text.

*** UI Files Updated ***


*** Combat Changes ***

- Common NPCs should be less likely to use spells and arts that incapacitate the player (i.e. stuns, interrupts, stifles).

Training changes:
- Every ten levels (level 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60) you can now choose from a list of four spells or arts to upgrade to Master II quality.
- This replaces the previous Training abilities, which have been removed from your Knowledge book.

Guardian changes:
- Ferocious Charge should no longer heal the guardian's target.

Shadowknight changes:
- Insidious Whisper should no longer heal the shadowknight's target.
- Destructive Slam will now appear in the maintained spells window.

Warden changes:
- Nature's Reprieve will once again heal and increase the wisdom of an ally when they receive a killing blow.
 Beta Update Notes : August 23, 2005 8/23/2005 3:00 PM
*** Desert of Flames ***

Arena Champions:
- If your pet destroys an Idol, you will now properly receive credit for the achievement.
- Hostile spells, including AoEs, should no longer affect players within their team's safe room.

- New books have been added to the Silent City, the Shimmering Citadel, and the Pillars of Flame: "The History of Poetry," "The Tale of the Silent City," and "The Poems of Alyarrah," and "The Desert Beasts."
- Ishara is now suitably grateful to his rescuers. The quest "Skills of the Char'Gin" can now be completed.

Zones and Population:
- Djinn in the Shimmering Citadel are now hostile to adventurers.
- The Maj'Dul Citizen faction is now directly opposed to the Rujarkian Orc faction, as bother sides have quite the distaste for one another.
- Killing guards will now cause you to lose a small amount of faction with their Court.
- Faction tokens will now always drop off an NPC of that Court.
- Random tokens will no longer drop off Maj'Dul citizens or other NPCs in Maj'Dul that are not affiliated with a Court.
- Ghosts should no longer break the encounter immediately when engaged.
- Respawn times throughout the Living Tombs are now slightly longer.
- Bosses in the Cave of Knowledge now drop loot.

- More mushrooms have begun to grow in the Sinking Sands.
- Armorer recipes will now have appropriate icons when you make the recipe.
- Indium Assault Axe, Flamberge Cobalt Assault Axe, and Flamberge should now have appropriate appearances and weapon types.

*** Combat Changes ***

- Added the /lock command, which locks the targeted encounter if the user of /lock is a member of the group that first engaged the encounter. While an encounter is locked, it will prevent players outside the locking group from assisting or interfering with the fight.
- NPCs will now space their spells and combat arts out more evenly, making it so the beginning of the fight will not be considerably more difficult than the remainder of it. Previously, a creature would often use all of its power very early on during combat.
- If you use an area-of-effect spell or combat art on a mesmerized NPC, it will now affect it appropriately.
- You will no longer run faster than normal if encumbered and invisible or sneaking.
- Bard and Enchanter power regeneration songs and spells will now stack with each other.

Bruiser changes:
- Bruisers no longer need to be weaponless to use Storming Fists.
- Fire Stance can once again be canceled via the maintained spell window.

Conjurer changes:
- Call of The Hero has been changed to Call of Heroes. This spell now teleports all group members to the caster.

Defiler changes:
- Devitalizing Chant can once again be cast on encounters.

Illusionist changes:
- Dynamism should now have a 20% chance to proc.

Monk changes:
- Monks no longer need to be weaponless to use Shocking Hand.

Paladin changes:
- The upgrade to Devout Sacrament received at level 54 is now named Ardent Sacrament.

Warden changes:
- Essence of the Kodiak can now be toggled.
 Beta Update Notes : August 22, 2005 8/22/2005 1:00 PM
*** Combat Changes ***

- Feign Death changes:
- Maintained spells and pets are no longer cancelled on a successful feign.
- You cannot issue commands to your pet while feigned, though you can still bring up a list of commands.
- You cannot gain adventure experience while successfully feigned.
- If feign fails, you now receive a "fallen to the ground" message.

- The level at which you gain the following spells has been corrected:
- Coercer: Mesmerize
- Defiler: Baleful Efflux
- Defiler: Abominus
- Defiler: Ruinous Imprecation
- Fury: Retaliate Arcana
- Fury: Predatory Salve
- Fury: Fierce Rousing
- Fury: Bristlepelt
- Fury: Ferine Elixir
- Fury: Ferocity of the Eel
- Fury: Dooming Swarm
- Inquisitor: Faithful Ministration
- Inquisitor: Zealot's Conviction
- Inquisitor: Stinging Penance
- Inquisitor: Digression
- Inquisitor: Purifying Flames
- Inquisitor: Resurgence
- Inquisitor: Condemn
- Mystic: Spiritist's Salve
- Mystic: Rejuvenating Chant
- Mystic: Accordant Spirits
- Mystic: Howl of the Ancients
- Mystic: Ancestral Aegis
- Shaman: Grey Wind
- Shaman: Totemic Aid
- Shaman: Cold Wind
- Warden: Sylph


Zitat von: blackmailby the way I'm out of control