
Forum upgraded auf Version 2.1.2 :)


[WoW]CT_Raidassist (deutsch) [UPDATE 1.082]

Begonnen von Benny, 04. Mai 2005, 15:40:23

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩


Hi, da mich manche Leute nach meiner selbstmodifizierten Version gefragt haben hab ich sie jetzt mal hochgeladen, müsste eigentlich sogut wie alles funktionieren.

Damit die deutschen Buffs allerdings angezeigt werden und alles läuft, muss vor dem Start zuerst die Datei "SavedVariables.lua" aus dem Ordner "C:\xxx\WorldOfWarcraft\WTF\Account\xxx\" gelöscht werden. Dabei ist es wichtig, dass ihr euer Spiel beendet bevor ihr diese Datei löscht.

(rechtsklick-> Ziel speichern unter)


ZitatChanges :
Changes from 1.07 to 1.08:
Major changes

* Removed reporting for other options
* Reporting for others is now automatic. As long as one person in each group has CTRA, buffs, debuffs, hp, and mana will be reported automatically.
* Re-Added Cast Party support
* Fixed a bug that was causing incorrect buff icons to show
* Fixed a bug with targeting via clicking the CTRA windows - only parts of the window were clickable, now the entire window is (unless buffs are present)
* Updates will only occur out of combat now, so if someone joins mid fight, they won't see an update until each person exits combat. This avoids any unnecessary mid-fight spam.
* The 'update' which occurs when someone new joins the raid or comes back from ld, has been tweaked to cause less lag. Instead of doing a full update at once, it will update each group one second at a time. Meaning group 1 will update one second after combat has ended, group 2 two seconds after, group 3 three seconds after, etc. This should avoid any lag caused by an update.
* Added buff for Arcane Brilliance
* Added buff for Blessing of Salvation
* Added buff for Blessing of Light

Minor changes

* Removed buff for Fire Shield
* Combined group notifications for buffs and debuffs
* Added a 'missing hp' option that allows you to show hp deficit, ideal for healers
* Added a tooltip when hovering a player's ctra window that shows class, level, zone, and current version of CTRA.
* MTT's have been improved to work a bit better
* An option to hide only rage/energy (while keeping mana) has been added
* Hide party frame has been modified with 2 options now. If 'hide party frame' is selected, when you join a raid, it will hide your party frame. If 'Hide party frame out of raid' is selected, it will always hide your default party frame. This option is primarily used for people who use an alternate party frame, like mini group.
* Custom group sorting has been modified to not allow sorting within groups. This was giving some unexpected errors to some people, so custom group sorting now sorts using the same sort method normal raid groups are sorted.
* The /rakeyword has been made case insensative
* The slash command /raoptions has been added to open the options window
* Option to show only MTT percentages instead of all has been added
* Added a hotkey mapping to swap between showing buffs and debuffs
* Added an option to play a sound when receiving a /rs message. This option is on by default
* Made rebuffing & debuff curing change to the previous target after cast
* Improved rebuff & debuff behaviour to only cast when appropriate
* Fixed a bug where changing position between an enabled and a disabled buff/debuff in the priority list would display the wrong text color
* Fixed a bug with hiding the party that would sometimes make it not unhide
* Added an option in the buff options to allow you to recast or cure by class instead of by group #


kannste auch mal schreiben was das alles kann???
bin halt nur nee mage und weiß halt nett ob das sinn voll für mich ist.
Intelligenz ist Wissen wo man nachzuschauen hat


UFT-[SMG]Wiski, the Wizard =`-´=
"Laufe nie weg vor etwas Unsterblichem, das erregt seine Aufmerksamkeit."


Zitat von: "Wiski"Kann das Archiv net öffnen.

ich auch nicht


Da kommst aber spät drauf...solltest du schon längst runtergeladen haben, nachlässiger Elf...tztztz
لكم دينكم ولي دي - الكافرون


tja... mir kommt vor, nicht nur der elf is hinten..
sondern die ganze allianz

ނުވަތަ ޢާއްމު ނަމުން ކިޔާ ގޮތަށް ނަމަ ސީނުކަރަ އަކީ
উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ
ચીન ઉત્તર
הרפובליקה העממית של סין
जनवादी गणराज्य चीन
Չինաստանի Ժողովրդական Հանրապետությունը
ಚೀನಿ ಜನರ ಗಣರಾಜ್ಯ
പീപ്പിള്സ് റിപബ്ലിക് ഓഫ് ചൈന
विकिपीडिया, मुक्त ज्ञानकोशातून
ଜନ-ବହୁଳ ଦେଶ ଭାବରେ ପ୍ରତିବିଦିତ
சீன மக்கள் குடியரசு
వికీపీడియా నుండి
จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี
ܠܫܢܐ ܐܪܡܝܐ


Zitat von: "horden.spionier"tja... mir kommt vor, nicht nur der elf is hinten..
sondern die ganze allianz

Brüller....ich fang später an zu lachen, wenn ich Zeit hab -.-



endlich hat jemand die debuffs auf deutsch bei ct_raid umgesetzt

ich denke das sich dieses ct_raidassist wenn es sich rumspricht massig leute saugen werden, vielen dank


Ich unstick mal, weil ct_raid mittlerweile multilang is und z.B. unter runtergeladen werden kann.