
Forum upgraded auf Version 2.1.2 :)


Aion, wird wer anfangen?

Begonnen von Tuckrain, 15. April 2008, 17:32:32

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩


Rein aus Intresse:

Wird von euch jemand Aion anfangen? Sieht extrem geil aus ich werds mir auf jeden Fall zulegen!

Offizielle Seite  : 

Deutsche Community Page:

MfG Tuckrain

A couple of weeks ago I was minding my own business, watching a movie in my living room when a Blizzard rep crashed through my window on a hot pink moped. I asked him what the hell he thought he was doing when he interrupted me and told me Arthas wouldn't be killed by players in Wrath of the Lich King, but at the last moment in the fight Jesus instead pulled up in the Batmobile and ripped a righteous electric guitar solo and Arthas's head exploded.


Ehm ... hm  :shock:

Ok, naja nix für mich ;)


für mich auch nix anscheinend :)
**The poster of this message takes no responsibility for any deaths, sicknesses, annoyances, pains or pregnancies as a result of this post.**

apric O_o
